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Feature YouTube Music Professor
Curated Content
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No Ads or Recommended Videos
One video on the screen at a time, with no ads.
Sequential or Modular Instruction
ssign videos in order, or sequence to fit your own instructional style and process.
High Quality Instructors
Seasoned professors you can trust.
High Quality Videos
Professionally crafted for instruction, not distraction.
Let students work independently at their own pace, from the practice room to home.
Private Social Community for Your School
Communicate with your students in your own private community built into the platform.
Bite Size Lessons That Can Be Replayed
Because practice makes perfect.
Responsive Support
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From the comfort of your living room to a hotel room across the globe, we put the best classes at your fingertips.

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Progressive learning from beginer to advanced
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  • Teacher Toolkit
  • Curriculum Courses
  • Solo Courses
  • Etudes
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