Flute Library

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Per consequat adolescens ex, cu nibh commune temporibus vim, ad sumo viris eloquentiam sed. Mea appareat omittantur eloquentiam ad, nam ei quas oportere democritum. Prima causae admodum id est, ei timeam inimicus sed. Sit an meis aliquam, cetero inermis vel ut. An sit illum euismod facilisis, tamquam vulputate pertinacia eum at.

This video library is perfect for:
  • First-time players ready to get playing
  • Intermediate instrumentalists looking to hone their performance skills
  • All players interested in self-paced, authentic instruction
In this library you’ll learn:
  • Instrument care and proper body position
  • How to hold the instrument and make your first sounds
  • Instrument-specific techniques to enhance your playing
  • Intermediate and advanced techniques and repertoire


Beginning Flute

By Lisa Garner-Santa
  • 0 Lessons
  • Lisa Garner-Santa
  • Beginning Flute - Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Parts of the Flute
  • Lesson 3: Air and Embouchure
  • Lesson 4: The Flute Head Joint
  • Lesson 5: Exercise 1.1 - Head Joint Exercises
  • Lesson 6: Exercise 1.2 - Head Joint Exercises
  • Lesson 7: Exercise 1.3 - Head Joint Exercises
  • Lesson 8: Introduction
  • Lesson 9: Recap
  • Lesson 10: Pulse
  • Lesson 11: Exercise 1.1 - Counting
  • Lesson 12: Exercise 1.2 - Counting
  • Lesson 13: Exercise 1.3 - Counting
  • Lesson 14: Flute Register Changes
  • Lesson 15: Staff
  • Lesson 16: Exercise 2.1 - Register and Rhythm
  • Lesson 17: Exercise 2.2 - Register and Rhythm
  • Lesson 18: Exercise 2.3 - Register and Rhythm
  • Lesson 19: Exercise 3.1 - Super Flutist
  • Lesson 20: Exercise 4.1 - Super Flute
  • Lesson 21: Exercise 4.2 - Super Flute
  • Lesson 22: Introduction
  • Lesson 23: Recap
  • Lesson 24: Exercise 1.1 - 3-4 Time
  • Lesson 25: Exercise 1.2 - 3-4 Time
  • Lesson 26: Exercise 1.3 - 3-4 Time
  • Lesson 27: Putting it Together
  • Lesson 28: Playing Position
  • Lesson 29: Lining up the Head Joint (with stickers)
  • Lesson 30: Sitting Position
  • Lesson 31: Notes B, A, G
  • Lesson 32: Exercise 2.1 - Half and Whole Rests
  • Lesson 34: Exercise 2.3 - Half and Whole Rests
  • Lesson 33: Exercise 2.2 - Half and Whole Rests
  • Lesson 35: Exercise 2.4 - Half and Whole Rests
  • Lesson 36: Melody 1.1 - Buns
  • Lesson 37: Melody 2.1 - Lamb
  • Lesson 38: Melody 3.1 - Skipping Around - Quarter Rests
  • Lesson 39: Taking it Apart
  • Lesson 40: Introduction
  • Lesson 41: Recap
  • Lesson 42: Note C
  • Lesson 43: Exercise 1.1 - Sea of C
  • Lesson 44: Exercise 2.1 - B 2 C
  • Lesson 45: Exercise 3.1 - Easy as ABC - Dotted Half Notes
  • Lesson 46: Exercise 4.1 - Trills
  • Lesson 47: Octaves
  • Lesson 48 - Ledger Lines
  • Lesson 49: Exercise 5.1 - Octaves
  • Lesson 50: Melody 1.1 - Soaring - Dotted Half Rests
  • Lesson 51: Introduction
  • Lesson 52: Recap
  • Lesson 53: Notes F, E, and Bb
  • Lesson 54: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know scales
  • Lesson 55: Exercise 2.1 - Eighth Notes
  • Lesson 56: Key Signatures
  • Lesson 57: Exercise 3.1 - No Buns Sold
  • Lesson 58: Melody 1.1 - Lightly Row
  • Lesson 59: Melody 2.1 - Ode to Joy
  • Lesson 60: Melody 3.1 - Polly Wolly - Pickup Notes
  • Lesson 61: Introduction
  • Lesson 62: Recap
  • Lesson 63: Note D
  • Lesson 64: Exercise 1.1 - D to E
  • Lesson 65: Exercise 1.2 - C to D
  • Lesson 66: Exercise 1.3 - Finger Exercises
  • Lesson 67: Exercise 2.1 - Hot Cross Buns 'High Sales'
  • Lesson 68: F-Major Scale
  • Lesson 69: Melody 1.1 - Twinkle
  • Lesson 70: Melody 2.1 - Go Tell Aunt Rhodie
  • Lesson 71: Melody 3.1 - Moon Over Ruined Castle - Dotted Quarter + Eighth
  • Lesson 72: Introduction
  • Lesson 73: Recap
  • Lesson 74: Note Eb
  • Lesson 75: Exercise 1.1 - Low Eb to High Eb
  • Lesson 76: Exercise 2.1 - Slurring
  • Lesson 77: Bb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 78: C-Major Scale
  • Lesson 79: Melody 1.1 - Los Pollitos - Repeat Sign
  • Lesson 80: Melody 2.1 - Shepherds Hey
  • Lesson 81: Melody 3.1 - Hsiao
  • Lesson 82: Melody 4.1 - Spring
  • Lesson 83: Melody 5.1 - New World
  • Lesson 84: Introduction
  • Lesson 85: Recap
  • Lesson 86: Note Ab
  • Lesson 87: Note F#
  • Lesson 88: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know Ab
  • Lesson 89: Exercise 1.2 - Getting to know F#
  • Lesson 90: Eb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 91: G-Major Scale - Flutter Tonguing
  • Lesson 92: Melody 1.1 - London Bridge
  • Lesson 93: Melody 2.1 - Alouette
  • Lesson 94: Melody 3.1 - My Country
  • Lesson 95: Introduction
  • Lesson 96: Recap
  • Lesson 97: Exercise 1.1 - Note High D - Harmonics
  • Lesson 98: Note C#
  • Lesson 99: Enharmonics
  • Lesson 100: Exercise 2.1 - Getting to know C#
  • Lesson 101: D-Major Scale
  • Lesson 102: Troubleshooting C#
  • Lesson 103: Ab-Major Scale
  • Lesson 104: Melody 1.1 - Aura Lee
  • Lesson 105: Melody 1.2 - Aura Lee
  • Lesson 106: Melody 2.1 - Santa Lucia
  • Lesson 107: Melody 3.1 - Saints

Intermediate Flute

By Lisa Garner-Santa
  • 108 Lessons
  • Lisa Garner-Santa
  • Intermediate Flute Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Recap
  • Lesson 3: Note Bb
  • Lesson 4: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know Bb
  • Lesson 5: Chromatic Scale
  • Lesson 6: A-Major Scale
  • Lesson 7: E-Major Scale
  • Lesson 8: Exercise 2.1 - Vibrato - Measured A
  • Lesson 9: Exercise 2.2 - Vibrato - Measured B
  • Lesson 10: Exercise 2.3 - Vibrato - Unmeasured A
  • Lesson 11: Exercise 2.4 - Vibrato - Unmeasured B
  • Lesson 13: Introduction
  • Lesson 14: Recap
  • Lesson 15: Notes Db, C
  • Lesson 16: Exercise 1.1 - Pinky Madness
  • Lesson 17: B-Major Scale
  • Lesson 18: Db-Major Scale
  • Lesson 19: C-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 20: Chromatic Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 21: Exercise 2.1 - 16th Notes
  • Lesson 22: Exercise 2.2 - Counting 16th Notes
  • Lesson 23: Melody 1.1 - A Finnish Theme
  • Lesson 24 - Melody 2.1 A French Theme
  • Lesson 15 - Melody 3.1 - A Texan Theme
  • Lesson 26: Introduction
  • Lesson 27: Recap
  • Lesson 28: Note High Eb
  • Lesson 29: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know Eb
  • Lesson 30: Eb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 31: Gb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 32: F#-Major Scale
  • Lesson 33: Exercise 2.1 - Dotted Eighth + Sixteenth Notes
  • Lesson 34: Melody 1.1 - Langsam
  • Lesson 35: Melody 1.2 - Langsam
  • Lesson 36: Melody 2.1 - John Peel
  • Lesson 37 - Melody 3.1 - Overture to L'arlesienne
  • Lesson 38: Introduction
  • Lesson 39: Recap
  • Lesson 40: Notes High E, F
  • Lesson 41: F-Major Scale
  • Lesson 42: E-Major Scale
  • Lesson 43: Chromatic Scale - Two Octaves
  • Lesson 44: Melody 1.1 - Simple Gifts
  • Lesson 45: Melody 2.1 - Hallelujah Chorus - Eighth Rests
  • Lesson 46: Melody 3.1 - March - Sixteenth Rests and Accidentals
  • Lesson 47: Introduction
  • Lesson 48: Recap
  • Lesson 49: Notes High F#, G
  • Lesson 50: Gb, F#-Major Scale
  • Lesson 51: G-Major Scale
  • Lesson 52: Melody 1.1 - Yellow Rose - Syncopation
  • Lesson 53: Melody 2.1 - Joplin Rag
  • Lesson 54: Melody 3.1 - Minuet
  • Lesson 55: Introduction
  • Lesson 56: Recap
  • Lesson 57: Notes High G#, A
  • Lesson 58: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know High G#, A
  • Lesson 59: Ab-Major Scale
  • Lesson 60: A-Major Scale
  • Lesson 61: Exercise 2.1 - Dynamics
  • Lesson 62: Exercise 2.2 - Dynamics
  • Lesson 63 - Melody 1.1 - Theme from Mendelssohn's 3rd
  • Lesson 64 - Melody 2.1 - Saints
  • Lesson 65 - Melody 3.1 - Simple Gifts
  • Lesson 66 - Melody 4.1 - A Schumann Melody
  • Lesson 67 - Troubleshooting - Playing with Braces
  • Lesson 68: Introduction
  • Lesson 69: Recap
  • Lesson 70: Note High Bb
  • Lesson 71: Bb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 72: Intonation
  • Lesson 73: Exercise 1.1 - Intonation
  • Lesson 74: Exercise 2.1 - Compound Meter
  • Lesson 75 - Melody 1.1 - Devienne's Presto
  • Lesson 76 - Melody 2.1 - A French Folk Song
  • Lesson 77 - Melody 3.1 - A German Folk Song
  • Lesson 78: Introduction
  • Lesson 79: Recap
  • Lesson 80: Note High B
  • Lesson 81: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know High B
  • Lesson 82: B-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 83: Exercise 2.1 - New Rhythms in Compound Meter
  • Lesson 84: Melody 1.1 - Canadian Folk Song
  • Lesson 85: Melody 2.1 - Susato Dance
  • Lesson 86: Exercise 2.2 - More Rhythms in Compound Meter
  • Lesson 87 - Melody 3.1 - The Cold Winter
  • Lesson 88 - Teardrop Embouchure
  • Lesson 88 - Teardrop Embouchure
  • Lesson 89: Introduction
  • Lesson 90: Recap
  • Lesson 91: Note C - 4th Octave
  • Lesson 92: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know High C
  • Lesson 93: C-Major Scale, Three Octaves
  • Lesson 94: Chromatic Scale - Three Octaves
  • Lesson 95 - Alternate Fingerings for the Third Octave
  • Lesson 96 - Melody 1.1 - Der Freischutz
  • Lesson 97 - Melody 2.1 - Prince Igor
  • Lesson 98 - Melody 3.1 - Entract
  • Lesson 99 - Tone Development with Extended Technique

Intermediate Flute Solos

By Shauna Thompson
  • 208 Lessons
  • Shauna Thompson
  • Intermediate Flute Solos Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lecture 1: Introduction
  • Lecture 2: G-Major Scale
  • Lecture 3: Terms and Style
  • Lecture 4: Vibrato Exercise
  • Lecture 5: Section A - Run Through
  • Lecture 6: Section A - Accidentals
  • Lecture 7: Section A - Rhythm
  • Lecture 8: Section A - Count and Finger
  • Lecture 9: Section A - Playing Piano
  • Lecture 10: Section A - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lecture 11: Section B - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lecture 12: Section B - Accidentals
  • Lecture 13: Section B - Dynamics
  • Lecture 14: Section B - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lecture 15: Section C - Run Through
  • Lecture 16: Section C - Similarities and Differences
  • Lecture 17: Section C - Last Phrase
  • Lecture 18: Section C - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lecture 19: Full Performance Run Through
  • Lecture 20: Introduction
  • Lecture 21: Scales
  • Lecture 22: Road Map
  • Lecture 23: Section A - Run Through
  • Lecture 24: Section A - Appoggiatura
  • Lecture 25: Section A - Trills
  • Lecture 26: Section A - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 27: Section B - Run Through
  • Lecture 28: Section B - Appoggiatura Reminder
  • Lecture 29: Section B - Pitch
  • Lecture 30: Section B - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 31: Section C - Run Through
  • Lecture 32: Section C - Rhythm
  • Lecture 33: Section C - Accidentals
  • Lecture 34: Section C - Trills
  • Lecture 35: Section C - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 36: Section D - Run Through
  • Lecture 37: Section D - Pitch
  • Lecture 38: Section D - Subdivision
  • Lecture 39: Section D - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 40: Performance Run Through at Slow Tempo
  • Lecture 41: Performance Run Through
  • Lecture 42: Introduction
  • Lecture 43: A-Minor Scale
  • Lecture 44: Road Map
  • Lecture 45: Section A - Run Through
  • Lecture 46: Section A - Trills
  • Lecture 47: Section A - Style: Dynamics
  • Lecture 48: Section A - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 49: Section B - Run Through
  • Lecture 50: Section B - Articulation
  • Lecture 51: Section B - Rhythm
  • Lecture 52: Section B - Dynamics
  • Lecture 53: Section B - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 54: Section B - Measures 14 and 15
  • Lecture 55: Section C - Run Through
  • Lecture 56: Section C - Rhythm
  • Lecture 57: Section C - Measures 21-24
  • Lecture 58: Section C - Dynamics
  • Lecture 59: Section C - Measures 25-32
  • Lecture 60: Section C - Practice Run Through
  • Lecture 61: In Closing
  • Lecture 62: Performance Run Through

Advanced Flute Etudes

By Shauna Thompson
  • 271 Lessons
  • Shauna Thompson
  • Advanced Flute Etudes Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Intro
  • Lesson 2: E Minor
  • Lesson 3: Accidentals
  • Lesson 4: Section A - Run Through
  • Lesson 5: Section A - Dotted Quarters
  • Lesson 6 - Section A - Measure 3
  • Lesson 7: Section A - Dynamics
  • Lesson 8: Section A - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 9: Section B - Run Through
  • Lesson 10: Section B - Rhythm
  • Lesson 11: Section B - Where to Breathe
  • Lesson 12: Section B - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 13: Section C - Run Through
  • Lesson 14: Section C - Articulation
  • Lesson 15: Section C - Ornamentation
  • Lesson 16: Section C - Groups of 6
  • Lesson 17: Section C - Where to Breathe
  • Lesson 18: Section C - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 19: Section D - Run Through
  • Lesson 20: Section D - Ornamentation
  • Lesson 21: Section D - Dynamics
  • Lesson 22: Section D - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 23: Performance Run Through
  • Lesson 24: Intro
  • Lesson 25: A Major
  • Lesson 26: Accidentals
  • Lesson 27: Defining Terms
  • Lesson 28: Section A - Run Through
  • Lesson 29: Section A - Rhythm
  • Lesson 30: Section A - Practice Techniques
  • Lesson 31: Section A - Subdivision
  • Lesson 32: Section A - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 33: Section B - Run Through
  • Lesson 34: Section B - Practice Rhythms
  • Lesson 35: Section B - Fermata
  • Lesson 36: Section B - Dynamics and Breathing
  • Lesson 37: Section B - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 38: Section C - Run Through
  • Lesson 39: Section C - How to Practice
  • Lesson 40: Section C - Allargando
  • Lesson 41: Section C - Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 42: Performance Run Through, Slow Tempo
  • Lesson 43: Performance Run Through
  • Lesson 44: Intro
  • Lesson 45: Run Through, Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 46: Breath Marks
  • Lesson 47: Breathing
  • Lesson 48: Practice Rhythms
  • Lesson 49: Practice Rhythm Exercises
  • Lesson 50: Intro to Rhythm
  • Lesson 51: Large Intervals Overview
  • Lesson 52: Large Intervals Exercises
  • Lesson 53: Double Tonguing
  • Lesson 54: Staccato
  • Lesson 55: Dynamics
  • Lesson 56: Low Notes Overview
  • Lesson 57: Low Note Practice
  • Lesson 58: Review
  • Lesson 59: Performance Run Through, Slow Tempo
  • Lesson 60: Performance Run Through
  • Lesson 61: Intro
  • Lesson 62: Performance Run Through, Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 63: Scales
  • Lesson 64: Breathing
  • Lesson 65: Articulation
  • Lesson 66: More Articulation Practice
  • Lesson 67: Musicality
  • Lesson 68: Sequences
  • Lesson 69: Measures 17-22
  • Lesson 70: Measures 25-36
  • Lesson 71: Measures 81-84
  • Lesson 72: Measures 93-95
  • Lesson 73: Measures 96-100
  • Lesson 74: Measures 41-48
  • Lesson 75: Measures 53-56
  • Lesson 76: Measures 77-80
  • Lesson 77: The Ending
  • Lesson 78: Practice Rhythms
  • Lesson 79: Measures 69-76
  • Lesson 80: Performance Run Through, Slow Tempo
  • Lesson 81: Performance Run Through
  • Lesson 82: Intro
  • Lesson 83: Performance Run Through, Slow Tempo
  • Lesson 84: Vibrato Discussion
  • Lesson 85: Vibrato Exercises
  • Lesson 86: Subdivision
  • Lesson 87: More Counting
  • Lesson 88: Section A - Run Through
  • Lesson 89: Cadenza
  • Lesson 90: Cadenza - Run Through
  • Lesson 91: Ornamentation
  • Lesson 92: Measures 47-52
  • Lesson 93: Last Line
  • Lesson 94: Section C - Run Through
  • Lesson 95: Performance Run Through


Lisa Garner-Santa

Lisa Garner Santa currently serves as Artist-Performer and Professor of Flute at Texas Tech University where she enjoys a diverse career as teacher, recitalist, soloist, and chamber musician. Performance highlights include the world premiere of Mike Mowers Concerto for Flute and Wind Ensemble and a Carnegie Hall debut recital featuring Chamber Works for Flute.

Shauna Thompson

Shauna Kay Thompson is Assistant Professor of Flute at Texas Christian University. She holds a DMA and a MM in flute performance from the University of Cincinnatis College-Conservatory of Music where she studied with Brad Garner and served as his teaching assistant.