Clarinet Library


Per consequat adolescens ex, cu nibh commune temporibus vim, ad sumo viris eloquentiam sed. Mea appareat omittantur eloquentiam ad, nam ei quas oportere democritum. Prima causae admodum id est, ei timeam inimicus sed. Sit an meis aliquam, cetero inermis vel ut. An sit illum euismod facilisis, tamquam vulputate pertinacia eum at.

This video library is perfect for:
  • First-time players ready to get playing
  • Intermediate instrumentalists looking to hone their performance skills
  • All players interested in self-paced, authentic instruction
In this library you’ll learn:
  • Instrument care and proper body position
  • How to hold the instrument and make your first sounds
  • Instrument-specific techniques to enhance your playing
  • Intermediate and advanced techniques and repertoire


Beginning Clarinet

By Kathryn Nevin
  • 0 Lessons
  • Kathryn Nevin
  • Beginning Clarinet Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Putting the Clarinet Together
  • Lesson 3: Playing Position for the Clarinet
  • Lesson 4: Breathing
  • Lesson 5: Taking the Clarinet Apart
  • Lesson 6: Essential Equipment for the Clarinet
  • Lesson 7: Introduction
  • Lesson 8: Recap
  • Lesson 9: Clarinet Embouchure
  • Lesson 10: Tonguing
  • Lesson 11: Notes, E, F, and G
  • Lesson 12: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know E
  • Lesson 13: Exercise 1.2 - Getting to know F
  • Lesson 14: Exercise 1.3 - Getting to know G
  • Lesson 15: Exercise 2.1 - E, F, and G Combined
  • Lesson 16: Introduction
  • Lesson 17: Recap
  • Lesson 18: Reading Music
  • Lesson 19: Notes on the Musical Staff
  • Lesson 20: Exercise 1.1 - E, F, and G on the Staff
  • Lesson 21: Notes, C, D, and A
  • Lesson 22: Exercise 2.1 - Getting to know C, D, and A
  • Lesson 23: Exercise 3.1 - Intervals
  • Lesson 24: Troubleshooting - Squeaking
  • Lesson 25: Introduction
  • Lesson 26: Recap
  • Lesson 27: Notes B, A, and G
  • Lesson 28: Slurring on the Clarinet
  • Lesson 29: Exercise 1.1 - Half Notes
  • Lesson 30: Exercise 2.1 - Combining Rhythms
  • Lesson 31: Exercise 3.1
  • Lesson 32: Introduction
  • Lesson 33: Recap
  • Lesson 34: Exercise 1.1 - Quarter Notes
  • Lesson 35: Notes Low E and F
  • Lesson 36: Troubleshooting - Low Notes
  • Lesson 37: Exercise 2.1 - Getting to know E and F
  • Lesson 38: Exercise 2.2
  • Lesson 39: Melody 1.1 - Brother John
  • Lesson 40: Melody 1.2 - Brother John with the Repeat Sign
  • Lesson 41: Introduction
  • Lesson 42: Recap
  • Lesson 43: Note F#
  • Lesson 44: Exercise 1.1 - Getting to know F#
  • Lesson 45: Note Bb
  • Lesson 46: Exercise 1.2 - Getting to know Bb
  • Lesson 47: G-Major Scale
  • Lesson 48: Melody 1.1 - Rainbow
  • Lesson 49: F-Major Scale
  • Lesson 50: Melody 1.2 - Rainbow
  • Lesson 51: Introduction
  • Lesson 52: Recap
  • Lesson 53: Exercise 1.1 - Dotted Half Notes
  • Lesson 54: Exercise 2.1 - 3:4 Time
  • Lesson 55: Exercise 2.2
  • Lesson 56: Notes E, F, and F#
  • Lesson 57: Exercise 3.1 - Getting to know E, F, and F#
  • Lesson 58: Notes B, C, and D
  • Lesson 59: Exercise 3.2 - Getting to know B, C, and D
  • Lesson 60: Exercise 4.1
  • Lesson 61: C-Major Scale
  • Lesson 62: Introduction
  • Lesson 63: Recap
  • Lesson 64: Recap, part II
  • Lesson 65: Note Eb
  • Lesson 66: Bb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 67: Melody 1.1 - Smokey
  • Lesson 68: Note C#
  • Lesson 69: D-Major Scale
  • Lesson 70: Transposition for the Clarinet
  • Lesson 71: Transposition for the Clarinet, part II
  • Lesson 73: Notes G, A, Bb, B, and C
  • Lesson 74: Introduction
  • Lesson 75: Recap
  • Lesson 76: F-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 77: G-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 78: Bb-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 79: C-Major Scale, Two Octaves
  • Lesson 80: Note Ab
  • Lesson 81: Eb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 82: Note G#
  • Lesson 83: A-Major Scale
  • Lesson 84: Exercise 1.1 - Eighth Notes
  • Lesson 85: Exercise 1.2
  • Lesson 86: Melody 1.1 - Twinkle
  • Lesson 87: Melody 2.1
  • Lesson 88: Melody 2.2

Intermediate Clarinet

By Kathryn Nevin
  • 88 Lessons
  • Kathryn Nevin
  • Intermediate Clarinet Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Recap
  • Lesson 3: Exercise 1.1 - Dotted Quarter + Eighth Notes
  • Lesson 4: Exercise 1.2
  • Lesson 5: Melody 1.1 - My Country 'tis of Thee
  • Lesson 6: Melody 2.1 - Auld Lang Syne
  • Lesson 7: Chromaticism and Special Fingerings for the Clarinet
  • Lesson 8: Exercise 2.1 - 2:4 Time
  • Lesson 9: Chromatic Scale
  • Lesson 10: Introduction
  • Lesson 11: Recap
  • Lesson 12: Exercise 1.1 - Dynamics
  • Lesson 13: Exercise 1.2
  • Lesson 14: Exercise 2.1 - Dynamics Extremes
  • Lesson 15: Exercise 3.1 - Changing Dynamics
  • Lesson 16: Melody 1.1 - Largo
  • Lesson 17: Introduction
  • Lesson 18: Recap
  • Lesson 19: Exercise 1.1 - Arpeggios
  • Lesson 20: Exercise 2.1 - Eighth Rests
  • Lesson 21: Exercise 2.2 - Eighth Rests vs. Staccato
  • Lesson 22: Exercise 3.1 - Accents
  • Lesson 23: Melody 1.1 - When the Saints Go Marching In
  • Lesson 24: Melody 2.1 - Surprise!
  • Lesson 25: Introduction
  • Lesson 26: Recap
  • Lesson 27: Recap, part II
  • Lesson 28: Note D#
  • Lesson 29: E-Major Scale
  • Lesson 30: Arpeggio E-Major
  • Lesson 31: Melody 1.1 - Flying Trypeze
  • Lesson 32: Note Db
  • Lesson 33: Ab-Major Scale
  • Lesson 34: Arpeggio Ab-Major
  • Lesson 35: Melody 2.1 - To a Wild Rose
  • Lesson 36: Exercise 1.1 - 16th Notes
  • Lesson 37: Exercise 1.2 - 16th Notes Continued
  • Lesson 38: Exercise 2.1 - 16th Note Movement
  • Lesson 39: Exercise 2.2 - 16th Note Movement
  • Lesson 40: Exercise 3.1 - Jig
  • Lesson 41: Introduction
  • Lesson 42: Recap
  • Lesson 43: Exercise 1.1 - 16th Note Patterns
  • Lesson 44: Exercise 2.1
  • Lesson 45: Melody 1.1 - William Tell
  • Lesson 46: Melody 1.2
  • Lesson 47: Exercise 3.1 - 16th Note Patterns, part II
  • Lesson 48: Melody 2.1 - Dinah
  • Lesson 49: Exercise 4.1 - Dotted Eighth + Sixteenths, part III
  • Lesson 50: Melody 3.1 - Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • Lesson 51: Melody 3.2
  • Lesson 52: Exercise 5.1 - 16th Note Patterns, part IV
  • Lesson 53: Melody 4.1 - Tom Dooley
  • Lesson 54: Note A#
  • Lesson 55: B-Major Scale
  • Lesson 56: B-Major Arpeggio
  • Lesson 57: Introduction
  • Lesson 58: Recap, part I - The Clarinet Polka
  • Lesson 59: Recap, part II - The National Anthem
  • Lesson 60: Note Gb
  • Lesson 61: Notes High Db and D
  • Lesson 62: Db-Major, Arpeggio Db-Major
  • Lesson 63: D-Major, Arpeggio D-Major
  • Lesson 64: Exercise 1.1 - 3:8 Time
  • Lesson 65: Melody 1.1 - Hat Dance
  • Lesson 66: Melody 1.2 - Hat Dance
  • Lesson 67: Melody 2.1 - Jolly Good Fellow
  • Lesson 68: Introduction
  • Lesson 69: Recap
  • Lesson 70: Exercise 1.1 - 6:8 Time
  • Lesson 71: Melody 1.1 - Row Row
  • Lesson 72: Melody 2.1 - Irish Rose
  • Lesson 73: Notes Eb and E
  • Lesson 74: Eb-Major Scale
  • Lesson 75: Eb-Major Arpeggio
  • Lesson 76: E-Major Scale
  • Lesson 77: E-Major Arpeggio
  • Lesson 78: Introduction
  • Lesson 79: Recap, part I
  • Lesson 80: Recap, part II
  • Lesson 81: Note Altissimo F
  • Lesson 82: F-Major Scale + Arpeggio
  • Lesson 83: Melody 1.1 - A Mendelssohn Melody
  • Lesson 84: Exercise 1.1 - Triplets
  • Lesson 85: Exercise 2.1 - Triplets in Common Time
  • Lesson 86: Melody 2.1 - Aida
  • Lesson 87: Introduction
  • Lesson 88: Recap
  • Lesson 89: Note E#
  • Lesson 90: F#-Major Scale + Arpeggio
  • Lesson 91: Melody 1.1
  • Lesson 92: Note Cb
  • Lesson 93: Gb-Major Scale + Arpeggio Gb-Major
  • Lesson 94: Melody 1.2
  • Lesson 95: Exercise 1.1 - Cut Time
  • Lesson 96: Melody 2.1 - I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy

Advanced Clarinet Etudes

By Mary Druhan
  • 185 Lessons
  • Mary Druhan
  • Advanced Clarinet Etudes Sheet Music Companion Book
  • Lesson 1: Intro
  • Lesson 2: Pinky Technique
  • Lesson 3: Fingering m. 7
  • Lesson 4: Subdivision
  • Lesson 5: Dotted Quarter Note
  • Lesson 6: Style
  • Lesson 7: Dynamics
  • Lesson 8: Measure 13
  • Lesson 9: Full Practice Run Through
  • Lesson 10: Full Run Through @ 58
  • Lesson 11: Full Run Through @ 63
  • Lesson 12: Intro
  • Lesson 13: D Minor
  • Lesson 14: Other Chords
  • Lesson 15: More Chords
  • Lesson 16: Stopped Tongue Technique
  • Lesson 17: Changing Tonguing Patterns
  • Lesson 18: Chromatic Scale
  • Lesson 19: Coordination of Tonguing Patterns
  • Lesson 20: Phrasing
  • Lesson 21: How to Practice
  • Lesson 22: Practice Run Through @ 70
  • Lesson 23 - Run Through @ 88 bpm
  • Lesson 24: Run Through at Tempo
  • Lesson 25: Intro
  • Lesson 26: G Melodic Minor Scale
  • Lesson 27: G Minor Chord
  • Lesson 28: Bb Major Scale
  • Lesson 29: G# Diminished 7th Chord
  • Lesson 30: Isolated Tonguing
  • Lesson 31: Quality of Air
  • Lesson 32: Accents
  • Lesson 33: Musical Shape - 6-8
  • Lesson 34: Musical Shape - Legato vs. Staccato
  • Lesson 35: Musical Shape - Phrasing
  • Lesson 36: Section A - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 37: Section B - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 38: Section C - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 39: Section D - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 40: Section E - Slow Run Through
  • Lesson 41: Section A - Medium Run Through
  • Lesson 42: Section B - Medium Run Through
  • Lesson 43: Section C - Medium Run Through
  • Lesson 44: Section D - Medium Run Through
  • Lesson 45: Section E - Medium Run Through
  • Lesson 46: Full Run Through, at Tempo
  • Lesson 47: Introduction
  • Lesson 48: Staccato
  • Lesson 49: Grupetto - Turn
  • Lesson 50: Subdivision
  • Lesson 51: Style
  • Lesson 52: Articulations
  • Lesson 53: Practice Session
  • Lesson 54: Section A - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lesson 55: Section A - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 56: Section B - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lesson 57: Section B - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 58: Section C - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lesson 59: Section C - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 60: Section D - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lesson 61: Section D - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 62: Section E - Run Through at Practice Tempo
  • Lesson 63: Section E - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 64: Performance at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 65: Performance
  • Lesson 66: Introduction
  • Lesson 67: Special Fingerings
  • Lesson 68: Ornamentation
  • Lesson 69: Contrasting Style
  • Lesson 70: Rhythm
  • Lesson 71: Section A - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 72: Section B - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 73: Section C - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 74: Section D - Run Through at Medium Tempo
  • Lesson 75: More Special Fingerings
  • Lesson 76: Performance


Kathryn Nevin

Dr. Kathryn Nevin has performed with many orchestras including San Diego Symphony, Pasadena Symphony, New West Symphony, Long Beach Opera, Santa Barbara Symphony, Opera Santa Barbara, Monterey Symphony and Fresno Philharmonic. She is a member of St. Matthews Chamber Orchestra, Desert Symphony in Palm Desert, Redlands Symphony Orchestra and Long Beach Municipal Band.

Mary Druhan

Dr Mary Druhan has enjoyed invitations to many prestigious events in the United States, Puerto Rico, England, Germany, Italy, and Thailand in recitals and in conferences with numerous prestigious organizations. Dr. Druhan currently performs with the Dallas Wind Symphony, the Dallas Festival of Modern Music, Triforia Winds, and the Color of Sound chamber series.